Screenshot of Hello Astro

Key Features :

  • Full-featured blog with frontmatter (title, description, author, date, image, tags)
  • High performance low overhead with minimal Javascript
  • Full text client based search of blog pages via lunrjs
  • Index page and individual pages for authors, categories and tags, including pagination
  • Support for RSS feed, sitemap and robots.txt
  • SVG design
  • Support for code syntax highlighting
  • Full SEO support including Open Graph, Twitter Cards and via JSON-LD
  • Full support for Light and dark UI modes, as well as following system preferences, in accordance to TailwindCSS recommendation
  • Customised 404 error page
  • Display math equations using KaTeX via remark-math/rehype-katex
  • Display Mermaid, Markmap, PlantUML diagram
  • Display map at geo coordinates and zoom level using Map component
  • Calculates and show reading time for blog posts
  • CSS/JS assets of external libraries loaded only when needed on a per page and per package basis - no unnecessary bloat
  • Photo gallery and lightbox using PhotoSwipe
  • Carousel component using Swiper
  • Documentation pages

Hello Astro

Hello Astro is a multi purpose Astro starter theme written in Typescript, TailwindCSS and AlpineJS. It supports Markdown and MDX based pages and blog posts.

Theme Information:

Stars : github star144
Forks : github fork52
Updated : 31 Mar, 2024
Published : 12 Aug, 2022
Types :
Astro IconTailwind IconMarkdown IconBlog Icon
Hello Tham
Created byHello Tham

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