Screenshot of Harry

Key Features

  • Vue JS 3
  • Nuxt 3
  • Based on Bootstrap 5.x
  • 100% Responsive
  • Flat, modern and clean design.
  • Retina Ready.
  • SEO on-page optimized.
  • UX ready.
  • Touch Friendly.
  • Integrated google maps..
  • Typography
  • W3C Validate Code
  • Fixed Menu
  • Full UI Kit elements with lots of features
  • Clean and commented code
  • Valid HTML5 / CSS3
  • 13 Home Pages
  • 6+ Blog Pages
  • 9+ Portfolio Pages
  • 60+ Total Pages
  • Image background
  • Smooth Transition Effects
  • All Modern Browser Compatible [IE 11, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari]
  • Font Awesome
  • SVG Icon Used
  • HTML & CSS & JS files are included
  • 24/7 Awesome Support
  • Detailed documentation


Harry – Creative Agency & Portfolio Template is a clean and modern Vue Nuxt 3 , Bootstrap Creative Portfolio Template.

Theme Information:

Price : $17
Types :
NuxtJs IconBootstrap IconPortfolio Icon
Created byTheme_Pure

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